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7 Secrets of a Successful Relationship
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7 secrets of a successful relationship shy magazine
Sex & Love | by Linda J. |

How to Maintain a Happy Relationship

The small things make a big difference. You can achieve a happy relationship by focusing on the positive aspects.

When a relationship hits a rocky patch, many people tend to focus on the negative side. Don’t do this; instead, avoid dwelling on the negatives and concentrate on accentuating and maximizing the positives. A happy relationship revolves around the “do’s” rather than the “don’ts,” and the “cans” rather than the “cannot’s.”

Couples who actively work towards creating a fun, satisfying, and intimate relationship for each other have a longer-lasting and more successful bond than those who drift along or fixate on avoiding negative aspects.

So, how do you maintain a happy relationship?

1. Be playful and have fun
Life is more than just work, sleep, and paying bills. It’s supposed to be fun, and a happy relationship embraces that aspect.

One of the first things to disappear when you get wrapped up in the mundane and busy side of life is your sense of fun with your partner. Use silly pet names, joke and tease them, and take time out to have that pillow fight!

2. Show some gratitude and pay compliments
Add some sparkle to your partner’s day by paying them a compliment. As relationships mature, we often start taking our partners for granted. Even a simple “thank you” for doing a mundane task works wonders.

When expressing gratitude, use “you” rather than “I” to make it more meaningful. For instance, say “You are a great cook, dinner was amazing, thank you” instead of “I really enjoyed dinner, thank you.”

3. Pay attention to your partner
When you’ve been in a relationship for a while, it’s easy to stop noticing changes in your partner. Remember that we are all individuals who never stop growing and changing.

Couples in successful relationships pay attention to their partners and notice the small things.

4. Celebrate success and achievements no matter how small
Your partner is more than just a shoulder to cry on during tough times. In a happy relationship, couples don’t miss an opportunity to celebrate success or cheer each other on. When something good happens, make the most of it!

5. Hug your partner
Physical closeness enhances your connection with your partner. Yes, regular intimacy is great, but even if your sex life has faltered, you can still maintain emotional closeness. A hug, a back rub, holding hands, or a simple touch can strengthen your emotional connection.

6. Say it with… words?
Nothing beats a handwritten letter or note to rekindle romantic feelings. Writing down your feelings for your partner gives them a warm, fuzzy feeling when they receive it. You don’t have to be a literary expert; a post-it note on the mirror, “I love you!” written in the snow, or a note left in a lunchbox will do the trick. Be creative and let your partner know how you feel.

7. Take responsibility for your happiness
A successful relationship is a partnership where investing time in your own life and happiness means you have more to offer the partnership. This becomes even more important during rocky patches in the relationship.

Instead of focusing on what your partner may be doing wrong or not doing at all, make your own life more satisfying and don’t rely solely on your partner for happiness. This helps alleviate pressure and brings a positive attitude back into the relationship.

Remember, small positive gestures are crucial in maintaining a happy relationship. The possibilities for adding more of these small gestures are endless. Just incorporating one or two of these secrets for creating a successful relationship can make a big impact – try them and see!
