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8 Things to Do When Single on Valentine’s Day
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Single On Valentine’s Day can be rough

It’s a day to celebrate love and kindness. Most people spend it showering their significant other with gifts and romance.However, being single on Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean you need go into hiding. There are still many ways you can enjoy this day! Being single on Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be depressing, in fact, I’ve got the top 8 things that you can do when you find yourself single on the day of love!

1. Fondue Party
The thing most of us ladies love about Valentine’s Day is the chocolate — myself included! Why not have a chocolate fondue party? You and your best friends can get dolled up or even just hang out in your favorite pajamas and sweats. Enjoy a little melted chocolate with fruit, cake, marshmallows and cookies.

2. Scary Movie Marathon
Being single on Valentine’s Day means you can celebrate however you want! You don’t have to focus on love and romance. You can go the completely opposite direction. Gather up a few scary movies and a big bowl of popcorn. Spend your night at home watching a few scary movies and forget all about love.

3. Volunteer
Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be about romance, but you can still share the love. Find a place to volunteer your time. Help out the local animal shelter or food pantry. You can either donate your time or bring some items they need. Animal shelters are always in need of pet food and your local food pantry needs consumable goods too.

4. Go Out
Many night clubs and bars have special events going on for those of us that are single on Valentine’s Day. Get your girls together and go out for a night on the town! Don’t make the night about meeting a new man, just have fun and enjoy the benefits of being single.

5. Exchange Valentines With Your Single Friends
I’m sure at least one of your friends is also single on Valentine’s Day right? Ask her if she’d like to be your Valentines this year. You can exchange cheesy gifts and cards. Maybe you can even have them sent to each other at work so you don’t feel left out while others are getting flowers and balloons delivered.

6. Game Night
Game night is another great idea. You can combine it with your scary movie marathon or fondue party. Play games with your friends. If you have both male and female friends needing something to do on Valentine’s Day you can have a “battle of the sexes.” Of course we already know the women will win that battle, right ladies?

7. Hang Out With Family
When was the last time you went to visit your mom and dad, or met up for drinks with your sister? Call up you family and plan a day of good old family fun. Valentine’s doesn’t have to be about being in love. It can be about spending time with anyone you love.

8. Babysit
Chances are you have some friends that have kids that would love to spend a romantic night with their significant other right? Well, if you’re single on Valentine’s Day, offer up your services to babysit their children. You may even make a little extra cash out of the deal. More importantly your friends will be forever grateful of your nice gesture!

Being single on Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be a curse. There are tons of awesome ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day even when single. Have you ever heard of the ‘Unhappy Valentine’s Day’ parties out there? Throw one of those for your best girlfriends if you’re single on Valentine’s Day! So ladies, what are some other ways you plan to celebrate while being single on Valentine’s Day? Share!
