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Dating Gestures that Impress Women
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dating gestures that impress women
Sex & Love | by Lauren Romano |

Some men think that their good looks or charming personality are enough to grab the attention of a woman.

In some cases, that may be true, but keeping her attention is a whole different story.

Certain dating gestures can help you appear as a gentleman – someone who genuinely cares about her and her well-being. The gestures may take only seconds or minutes, but they can leave a lasting impact on the women who encounter them.

Schedule Plans in Advance

When you try to schedule plans last minute with a woman, more often than not, she’s going to take it as you viewing her as a last resort. If you want to spend time with a woman, call at least three days in advance to make plans. It tells her you have respect for her and her time.

Get Off Your Phone

If you’re going to sit on your phone and have a conversation while you’re on a date with a woman, don’t bother asking her out in the first place. Show her you actually want to be there with her by giving her the attention and respect she deserves. Keep your phone on silent and only check it rarely unless you have a child at home or a friend that’s sick. Make sure to inform her of this early in the date so she doesn’t think you’re checking the time in a rush to leave; she’ll appreciate you being upfront.

Open Her Car Door

Don’t almost knock her over to beat her to the door – it’s happened to me before – but it’s a nice dating gesture to open the car door for your date. When it’s raining, hold the umbrella over her and then put it over the space between the door and the car while she’s getting in so she doesn’t get wet. She’ll appreciate the gesture; some women will lean over and unlock your door for you in return.

Offer Your Jacket if She’s Cold

If she seems to be chilly, whether you’re indoors or out, offer her your jacket. It’s a sweet dating gesture that shows her you care about her comfort. Hold it out and open so she can decide if she’ll take it from you to put it on herself or if she’ll put it on while you’re still holding it.

Make Sure She Gets in Safely

When you drop her off, don’t leave until you see her walk inside her home. If you’re dropping her off at her apartment building, go in with her and walk her to the door of her home. When you’re dropping her off where you can see the door from your car, you don’t have to get out, but wait until you see her go inside.

Keep in mind that making these gestures should be a matter of respect and kindness and not in anticipation of getting something in return. Men may be surprised just how far small dating gestures can go, especially when continuously doing them after the first date. You will definitely stand out among other guys.
