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10 Erogenous Zones to Explore
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explore sex
Sex & Love | by Stephanie Cascio |

Do you know what the erogenous zones are?

An erogenous zone is a part of your body that creates erotic sensations when kissed, stroked or caressed (besides the obvious genital region!). That being said, these are perfect for use in the bedroom! Use these ten erogenous zones to tease and please your partner and see how he or she reacts!

1. Neck

I may be a bit biased here because I love my neck being touched, kissed, you name it, but this spot seems to be one of the most popular erogenous zones. When someone kisses my neck, I instantly melt. Even a light, warm breath can do the trick! Try this out on your partner or have your partner try it out on you! Make sure to observe how he or she reacts and make sure to cater to your partner’s personal preference.

2. Back

Who doesn’t love a good back rub? You can go the traditional route and scratch, rub or stroke your partner’s entire back. You can even get a little creative and use your tongue as well! If that’s not for you, try planting gentle kisses all over your partner’s back and you should turn him or her on in the blink of an eye!

3. Collar Bone

Surprisingly, the collar bone is super sensitive! Perhaps this is because it’s so close to the neck area and the skin is so thin there. Whatever the reason, whether you kiss or trail your fingers lightly over the skin in this area, your partner should shiver in pleasure.

4. Hair

I totally relax when someone strokes my hair. The sensitive, light touches are so soothing (and apparently erogenous as well!).

5. Ears

How can you go wrong with ear kisses? Whether you like the kisses light and casual or intense and erotic, both types can create pleasurable sensations!

6. Inner Thighs

Considering you’re getting close to the genital area, how could this area not be super pleasurable? You can either kiss, stroke or massage this area. Whatever you choose, you’re certain to rev your partner up!

7. Shoulders

Shoulder massage, anyone? If my boyfriend massages my shoulders, it releases the tension and stress I have bottled up. Have your partner do the same! It’s totally relaxing (not to mention arousing!).

8. Feet

The bottoms of my feet are so ticklish! If your feet (or you partner’s) are extremely sensitive, explore the area. Perhaps give each other foot massages or something similar.

9. Palms

Not everyone’s palms are sensitive to light touch, but if yours are, opt for a nice hand massage. Your partner can trail his fingers up, down and around your palm. It should cause a nice shiver to run down your spine!

10. Stomach

Plant kisses all over your partner’s stomach. Or gently trail your fingers up and down your partner’s chest. He or she will thank you. This is also a perfect spot if you or your partner are ticklish there. Laughter releases feel good chemicals and laughing together can bring the two of you even closer.

So, ladies, what’s your favorite spot to have “explored”? Not everyone will gravitate towards the same areas, but the ones listed above are the most popular. That being said, does your favorite make the list? Or do you prefer another zone?
