Shy Magazine


Pink: ‘F—in’ Perfect’ Video Debut!

Pink //
Pink sings her heart out in her mega powerful new video for her latest song, “F—in’ Perfect”.
| by Just | 2011 |

I’m sure my newest video for ‘F—in’ Perfect’ will be much like some of my other videos, which basically means I expect it will ruffle some feathers,” the 31-year-old singer wrote on her official site.

“I don’t support or encourage suicide or cutting. I support the kids out there that feel so desperate/numb/powerless, that feel unseen and unheard, and can’t see another way.. I want them to know I’m aware. I have been there. I see them. Sometimes that’s all it takes,” Pink continued.

FYI: The video contains imagery of eating disorders and cutting and is not safe for work or young viewers.

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