The bill will move onto the House of Lords, where it is expected to face opposition.
Tag: Gay
8 Ways to Tell If You Are Bi-Sexual

It’s a confusing, hard and difficult thing to even think about. When I came out as bi-sexual, it was hard on a lot of people, but in the end, it turned out fantastic.
The Cheneys have a daughter who is a lesbian and partnered with two kids. He said, “I think freedom means freedom for everybody and you ought to have the right to make whatever choice

Are there secrets in his past? Tammy Nelson and Dr. Joe Kort discuss what it means when men prefer gay porn. Is there a double standard for men and women

Irecently read Jenna Birch’s article A Christian’s Take: God Doesn’t Approve Of Gay Marriage and found it entertainingly disturbing.
6 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Bisexual
In his speech, Obama addressed gay and lesbians’ fight for equal rights and said it is up to each
CNN anchor Don Lemon: I was born gay
HLN’s Joy Behar talks with CNN anchor Don Lemon about his decision to reveal he’s gay.

The journalist released a statement today that reads “I chose to step out on faith and begin openly living my own truth.”

George Rekers resigned from the board of the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality, the group’s website said Tuesday.