In the latest issue of Glamour, there’s this really interesting feature called “How I Knew” which features short little essays by men on “how they knew” certain things:
In the latest issue of Glamour, there’s this really interesting feature called “How I Knew” which features short little essays by men on “how they knew” certain things:
Finding out the top ways why you are attracting Mr. Wrong can be hard to spot right off the bat, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t be aware of them! So, take a look and some of the reasons why Mr. Wrong might be finding you instead of Mr. Right!
Sex. You’re doing it wrong. At least that’s what some women are dying to tell their partners.
According to the survey, Angelinos do it about 135 times a year, while the rest of us poor cads only get laid about 120 times a year
Researchers found that, when hooked up to a lie detector, men reported fewer sexual partners , while women reported more partners. To those findings we say: let’s just stop pretending that we have to be honest in bed ALL THE TIME.
Now, I am not talking about lingerie that is all about thongs and is super tight and uncomfortable, I am talking about beautiful lingerie that will drive your partner insane but will also make sure that you feel sexy too.