Shy Magazine


Woman Sues Chanel over Ring Incident

According to the New York Post, a Brooklyn woman is suing Chanel over an incident involving one of their pricey diamond rings.
| by Jennifer K. | 2011 |

The woman, identified as Rosy Mizrachi Gindi, tried the ring on at the Chanel retail store on 57th in New York, but was horrified when she realized she couldn’t get the ring off her finger. She wound up in the emergency room, where, after 3 hours, doctors finally removed the ring.

Honestly, I’m not really sure why Ms. Gindi is suing. Hey, this almost happened to me at Tiffany before, but I didn’t PUSH the ring on my finger when I realized it wasn’t going to fit! Has this happened to you before? How did you get the ring off? Do tell!

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