Shy Magazine


Jackson Kids Considering doing Reality TV Series

The Jackson family can now move on since the Conrad Murray trial is finished. But there’s no rest for the weary.
| by Eurweb | 2011 |

Word is that the Jackson kids could be getting their own reality show.

This would be a great opportunity for the youngsters to live in the limelight, the same fame their father sheltered them from for such a long time.

According to reports, Paris, Prince Michael and Blanket have been offered an opportunity to do a reality series and they seem to be seriously considering it.

Senior editor of InTouch magazine, Dorothy Cascerceroi, told Fox News:

“After living their lives under the guise of Mardi Gras masks for so long, this could be a risky choice, but it may not even be their decision to make. The decision will most likely come down to their grandmother’s discretion, but there are whispers that the children are intrigued by the idea.”

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