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Rachel McAdams Covers ‘Glamour’ February 2012

Rachel McAdams looks cute as can be on the cover of Glamour’s February 2012 issue.
| by JJ | 2012 |

Here’s what the 33-year-old actress had to share:

On if playing silly or serious is more difficult: “I think playing silly. I’m very silly as a person, but quality silliness on-screen has more of an art to it. Harrison Ford, whom I was in Morning Glory with, has mastered that dry funny better than anyone.”

On falling in love on a movie set: “A set may seem like a good place for romance, but I don’t think it’s very conducive; it’s too distracting. Every relationship I’ve had with a coworker has come after the fact, because you wind up actually spending a lot of time with those people promoting the movie.”

On having chemistry with her The Vow co-star Channing Tatum: “I was worried we might not, because we were more like brother and sister, like buds. Channing is very outgoing, very kind and a lot of fun to work with.”

On the Occupy movement: “People have said it’s unfocused, but I appreciate that there are so many different groups coming together peacefully, saying there are things that are broken in the system, and we need to put our heads together.”

For more from Rachel, visit!

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