Shy Magazine

Sex & Love

Younger Woman Equals Divorce

Photo: Getty Images |
Photo: Getty Images |
In this case, falling in love with a younger woman has caused an expensive divorce for Ronnie Wood, the 62 year old guitarist for the Rolling Stones.
| by Silvia R. |

It looks like gramps fell in love with some hot Russian waitress chick named Katia Ivanova. So since Ronnie’s wife, former model Jo Wood, who is 53, would have none of that, in a divorce proceeding the former Mrs. Ex-Rolling Stone Guitarrist was awarded half of Ronnie’s $37 million fortune, plus Jo gets to keep their $19 million home in Kingston, England, and she also gets monthly alimony.

Yeap, falling in love with a younger woman can get really expensive guys. So if you too have a $37 million fortune, just know that half of it belongs to your Mrs. if you decide to chase younger tail.

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