Shy Magazine


7 Top Qualities Men Find Attractive in a Woman

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Women are trying their best to look attractive in front of men. Sometimes they do a good job, but often they do the wrong things by assuming men like them only in certain way.

| by Melissa Lee |

It is a common belief that men are interested more in physical aspects of a woman, such as super model figure with big breasts and full buttocks,

1. Great personality. Also known as inner beauty. It is how a woman makes a man feel comfortable being around her. An easy going and down to earth attitude are what most men seek first when they get to know a woman.

2. Good sense of humor. This is always part of a man’s list. Men enjoys being with someone with whom they can share a good laugh together. It is important that you can get the joke and laugh rather than being insulted about it.

3. Reliability. Men appreciate women who are reliable and do what they say. Be predictable in a way that they know you can be trusted.

4. Good listener. It is a rare skill that is highly appreciated by most. Being able to listen to what they have to say and give appropriate feedback or advice is a great plus to win a man’s heart. It gives the sense of comforting motherly feeling to them.

5. Be un-materialistic. Men get turned off with women who have high maintenance and squeeze out of their pockets. While it is the true nature of a man to want to provide, being milked for a woman’s personal interest is a different story.

6. Capabilities and independence. As much as men enjoy being a woman’s hero, they appreciate their women to be capable and independent in life. They like their women to be presentable in front of their family and friends, someone they can be proud of.

7. Physical appearance. It is down the list but it is also one of the things men look at in a woman. Survey shows that most men do not want a woman with a super model body. They prefer women with proportional healthy composure that are looking after themselves well. It does not mean women need to spend fortunes on beauty maintenance, it is more like personal care and how they present themselves. Men generally prefer their women to be equal or shorter height than them and with equal or lighter body weight than them.

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