There are some great men out there, but there are plenty of bad apples too. Take a look at this list of 8 telling signs that you’re the other woman
There are some great men out there, but there are plenty of bad apples too. Take a look at this list of 8 telling signs that you’re the other woman
Flirting is, in the hands of some women, a lethal weapon – in others (myself included)… not so much.
Breakups are icky and sometimes it takes a whole lot of little things in our relationship to disintegrate for us to see that it just isn’t working anymore.
If you are in a relationship that is quickly headed downhill, the problem may not be your partner. Chances are you are equally at fault.
You may be in a great relationship but what’s the point if it’s not going anywhere? If you have your doubts, these signs he may never propose, will come in handy.
If you’re ready to have a family and you are wondering if you and your boyfriend are on the same page, you’ve got to take a look below!
It seems like all the girls these days are trying to find the right man. Good men seem to be few and far between, but let me assure you they ARE out there. I married one myself! And I know lots of girls who have found genuine, sincere men who
Do you think that being perfumed up and talking about your ex all of the time are attractive? These could be huge turn-offs for guys that you might not even know about! So girls
Like many men of his status, Lagardere has a hot model girlfriend, Jade Foret, who happens to be 30 years his junior and at least a few inches taller than he is.
Sometimes, it can be tricky to find – and get! – that great guy you’ve been wishing for. So, here are my top twenty tips on making a guy fall in love …