Shy Magazine

Sex & Love

10 Best Places To Meet Good Women

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Sometimes we think that the only place we can meet women is at a club or a bar.
| by Bill Preston //

Although these places sometimes work, there are several factors that make them less appealing, including the atmosphere which can be noisy and makes it difficult to strike up a meaningful conversation, which is important if you are going to ask someone out on a date. Here are some ideas that have worked for other men:

1. Walking the Dog
It is a cinch to meet women at the pet store, at the dog park or walking your dog. It is probably one of the best, and easiest ways to meet a woman. If you have a cute puppy, I dare you to not have every woman in sight stop to squeal about your little fur ball and talk to you about your pet.

2. At the Gym
You can ask about the weights or routine she is doing. There is bound to be some question you can ask or else make a comment about. Maybe the pool is particularly crowded that day; you can say something about that. It is an easy environment to engage in non threatening conversation.

3. Home Repair Stores
Ask a woman her opinion on paint colors or doorknob styles you are considering. Everyone likes to give an opinion. It is an easy way to start a conversation.

4. Clothing Stores
This is another place where you can seek an opinion. In fact, even if you aren’t looking for a date, I always suggest asking a woman’s opinion on a clothing item you are considering!

5. Bookstores
You can say you are looking for a recommendation for a good book for your upcoming vacation or for a gift or whatever.

6. A community college class.
Take a class in yoga, painting, Spanish, whatever interests you. You will be able to meet a lot of different people this way.

7. Play a Sport
Join a volleyball league or a softball team or even a boccie ball team. Whatever interests you will work and help you to meet like minded women. Plus women are much more likely to flirt with you when they are playing an active sport.

8. A museum, the theater or opera
It doesn’t matter if it is MOMA or the local history museum. It could be a community theater or the Met. Linger in the lobby and offer to buy the woman a drink. You can strike up a conversation about what you are both seeing.

9. A coffee shop
Unlike a bar, a café has a casual atmosphere more conducive to meeting someone of quality. Comment on the book she is reading or just ask her opinion about a good place to find flowers in the area. This is one of the easiest places to meet someone

10. The park
If it is a nice day, go out and stroll, bring a Frisbee and friend or your dog. Bring a blanket and a good book and a bottle of wine if you can. Sit and people watch. You can always ask if she has the time, if she has a light, if she knows the best restaurant in the area. Be creative. You can definitely meet women at the park.

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