Do you find yourself wondering if you are at all attracted to your boyfriend? Do you think that there is a huge disconnect between you two? Below, I’ve got the top 10 signals you are not attracted to your boyfriend so that maybe, you can finally admit it. Remember, just because you are not attracted to your boyfriend, doesn’t mean you can’t attempt to be friends with him!
1. Every Small Thing He Does Gets on Your Nerves
Does every, single, small, tiny thing that he does get on your nerves? Even when he is just trying to have a conversation with you? This is the first sign you are not attracted to your boyfriend anymore. It’s hard to admit, especially if you’ve been together a long time, but attraction can fade away, if you let it.
2. You’ve Lost The Reason Why You Thought He Was Attractive
Why did you think that your boyfriend was attractive in the first place? This is where you can start to figure out why you are not attracted to your boyfriend anymore. Do you still remember that reason? Do you still think about it? Did you find his smile attractive? Did you find his personality attractive? What do you think of him now? These are all important questions that you’ll want to take into consideration!
3. You Constantly Check Out Other Guys
Girls, it’s normal for you to check out other guys and compare, but just a little bit. If you are constantly finding yourself checking out other guys and constantly finding yourself attracted to other guys, that could mean that you are not attracted to your boyfriend any longer.
4. You Don’t Miss Him
Do you remember the days in your relationship, probably early on when actually missed each other? Do you remember what it was like to actually miss him throughout the day when you don’t talk or see him? Well girls, that could be one of the signs you are not attracted to your boyfriend anymore.
5. When He Talks, He Annoys You
Let’s say that you are just surfing the internet and your boyfriend is trying to have a good conversation with you – and it annoys you to no end. Whenever your boyfriend opens up his mouth to speak at all, you find yourself rolling your eyes and looking for any excuse to shut him up. Ladies, that’s another sign you are not attracted to your boyfriend anymore.
6. You’re Jealous of Your Girlfriend’s Boyfriends
Do your girlfriends have boyfriends that you would kill to have? Do your girlfriends constantly brag about their boyfriends and how great they are? Being jealous of how great your girlfriend’s boyfriends are can be a sign that you are no longer attracted to your boyfriend. You should be making other people jealous of your boyfriend, not being jealous of other peoples boyfriends.
7. You Hate His Clothes
While there are some things that you can tolerate, if you can not stand his clothes, if you can not stand anything about his wardrobe, that’s a problem. You want your boyfriend to look good, but if you can’t find anything at all in the world that looks good on him, that could be a sign that you just aren’t attracted to him girls.
8. You Think Everything He Says Is Stupid
While I may have mentioned that he could annoy you when he talks, but do you honestly thinking that every single thing that he says is stupid? Do you think that every opinion that he states is something you’d never think of? Girls, if it goes beyond annoyance and actually shifts into you thinking that he is stupid, that is one sign you are not attracted to your boyfriend anymore.
9. His Personality No Longer Appeals to You
When you first started dating, did you love his personality? Did you think that he was the bees knees? Now, not so much? Do you think that his jokes are dumb and that you wish he was completely different? Girls, that’s the definition of not being attracted to your boyfriend
10. You No Longer Find Him Funny
Finally, he can no longer make you laugh. There is no spark there anymore and you just don’t find him funny. In fact, you probably think that he isn’t funny at all, you probably are more annoyed with him than anything. Is that the case? Well girls, that is one of the signs you are not attracted to your boyfriend anymore.
Well girls, there you have it. All of my top signs on how to tell if you are not attracted to your boyfriend anymore. Do any of these sound familiar? What other signs are there to tell if you are not attracted to your boyfriend anymore?
2 replies on “10 Signals That You Are Not Attracted to Your Boyfriend Any More”
you nailed it
Everything on here is exactly how I feel abt him..