In this economy, that’s just not always practical – or even possible. Not everyone can get a weekly mani/pedi or a take advantage of a bi-weekly spa treatments. So, I’ve come up with a fabulous list of beauty tips that don’t cost much. In fact, some of them are completely free, but they’ll still help you look your most beautiful. Excited to know more? Then all you have to do is check out these smart and budget conscious beauty tips!
1. Beauty Sleep
Getting enough beauty sleep is one of those beauty tips no one takes very seriously. It’s tempting to believe that getting enough sleep doesn’t make a different. However, getting plenty of rest each night makes your skin more youthful, your eyes lighter and livelier, and gives you the energy you need to get through the day.
2. Do Your Own Mani/Pedi
Since getting my first professional mani/pedi over the summer, I can assure you that I’m a fan – but doing it regularly can get expensive. Doing your own manicures and pedicures will save so much money, and both are surprisingly easy. You just need the right tools, and they’ll end up paying for themselves.
3. Exercise
Advising exercise is one of the best beauty tips I can give you. Exercise doesn’t just help you lose weight and get toned, it’s also good for your energy, your skin, and your overall well being. And you don’t have to hit the gym to do it.
4. Drink Lots of Water
Water is important for your hair, nails, and skin. It keeps your whole body hydrated and healthy. If you can drink it out of the tap, so much the better. If not, you can get your own filter at home and save money that way, while drinking up to your heart’s content.
5. Do Your Own Steam Treatment
Speaking of water, you don’t need to go to the spa to get spa treatments. Boil up some water, pour it in a bowl, and just bend over it with your head covered by a towel. Instant steam treatment! Just don’t get too close, you don’t want to burn your nose. Even hot showers can open up your pours and release any toxins.
6. Rinse with Vinegar
You can also save money by not using conditioner all the time. Believe it or not, a table spoon of cider vinegar mixed with water will do the job. Let that be your last rinse in the shower; your hair will thank you!
7. Make Your Own Face Mask
I love DIY beauty tips, and this is one of my favorites! Making your own face mask is easy, especially since most of them use ingredients you already have in your house. There are choice for dry skin, oily skin, and combination skin. Ingredients like honey, bananas, yogurt, and cucumbers are commonly used, so you can make a mask when any of these items start getting too old to eat.
8. DIY Body Scrubs
This is a great tip to save money too, and it’s incredibly easy. All you need is a cup of sugar, a cup of olive oil, and about two tablespoons of honey. The only catch is that you should lather your skin before you get into the shower.
9. Make a Detangling Serum
I’ve got thick hair that’s really prone to tangles. Needless to say, I could spend a lot of money on detangling products – except that I make my own! All you need is ten parts water and one part conditioner, mixed together in a spray bottle. Shake it up, spray it on, and voila! Since there’s so much water, you don’t have to worry about the conditioner making your hair look greasy.
10. Smart Polish Moves
These are some of the smartest beauty tips I’ve ever found. First of all, to save on nail polish, add a little remover when it starts to get gunky. Secondly, you don’t have to buy expensive quick dry fingernail sprays. Instead, just spray some cooking spray onto your nails. Vegetable works best, and it works right away!
These are beauty tips for fashionistas who know the value of being frugal. I think every one of us can benefit from saving money. The good news is that, with these beauty tips, you don’t have to sacrifice your inner or outer beauty. You just have to make different choices. Do you have any other beauty tips that help save money?