Shy Magazine


Watch This: First Official Trailer for Jon Foo’s Tekken Movie

Jon Foo |
We’ve been trying to keep up to date on the live-action Tekken movie that’s apparently shot and done, but there is a surprising lack of information on it out there.
| by Alex Billington | Jan. 10 |

However, an early trailer for the movie has finally appeared on (via SlashFilm) and it looks pretty awful.


How to Make a Woman Want to Be With You

Photo: Getty Images |
The thing about making a woman to want to stick with you is that you will need to keep her interest for long. Once you come across as boring to her then it is effectively game over for you. It can be cruel, but that is the absolute truth.
| by Derek Rak | Jan. 10 |

If you wish to get with gorgeous girls, you need to learn several effective and great techniques to get them interested. Keep reading to discover 3 one-of-a-kind techniques that will get you girls in no time…


Dressing Your Best for an Interview

Photo: Getty Images |
The dress code in most organizations is as unique as the organization itself, thus it is impossible to find an outfit that will work well in every interview.
| by Sheila Dicks | Jan. 10 |

What should you do? Do some investigating and find out how the employees dress and follow their lead – except dress slightly better.