But while many women prefer the modest, bashful guy that listens more than he speaks, being overly shy can become downright annoying to them after a while. Here are 4 reasons why women don’t like shy guys:
1. They’re insecure
Women are attracted to men with self-confidence, period. Insecurity in a man is a major turnoff for women, and shy guys that hesitate and are unsure of themselves appear very weak. Why would a woman want to talk to a guy who doesn’t think he is interesting, constantly makes himself the butt of his own jokes and is always ready to point out how other guys are better than him?
2. They never make the first move
Shy guys generally tend to be more passive and display a lack of initiative when it comes to meeting women. A man who doesn’t have the confidence to make the first move and initiate conversations with women can become very annoying.
3. They always ask permission
Shy guys always wait for a sign to take some action, which makes them appear passive and timid. They always ask women before doing anything, from touching to kissing, instead of relying on their instincts.
4. They’re not spontaneous
Shy guys are always on their best behavior trying to please women rather than letting loose and showing them how lively they can really be. Women are looking for men with spontaneity, assertiveness and a sense of adventure and passion.