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Sex & Love

7 Benefits of a Relationship Break

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Relationship Break conversations come up in many relationships, even when the two of you really love each other.

| by Lyndsie |

There are many issues than can lead to a relationship break, and it’s important to realize that sometimes, a break is a good idea. It doesn’t mean that you’ll actually break up. In fact, a break can end up strengthening your relationship – it all depends on what you do when you take a break. By reading up on the benefits of a relationship break, you can see why it might be a healthy option for you.

1. Getting Space
One of the most common benefits of a relationship break is getting the space you need. Everyone needs space. If you’re not used to being in a relationship or if your partner is very attentive and you’re not accustomed to that, you can get antsy. You might just need some space to yourself.

2. Finding Yourself – A Great Reason for a Relationship Break
When you tell your partner you need a break, his or her first reaction may be to think that you want to see other people; if your partner comes to you, then you might think that as well. However, that’s rarely the case. You might just need to find yourself, to reconnect with who you are as an individual rather than as part of a couple.

3. Feeling Calmer
Relationships can be tumultuous and passionate. While passion is essential, it can wear you out. A break to calm down, get yourself collected, and chill out can keep things from burning too brightly. This is one of those occasions when a relationship break is really helpful.

4. Learning If You’re Compatible
Sad to say, if you doubt that you and your partner are really compatible with each other, it might be time for a break. Time apart can give you time to think about all the things you have in common, or whether or not this is a situation where opposites attract.

5. Deciding What You Want
Sometimes, two people want different things. In this case, however, a relationship break may not have anything to do with your partner. You may need to decide whether you want a long term commitment, a marriage, or children, true, but you might also need time to decide whether you want to go to school, change your career, get a new job, and so on.

6. Figuring Out Your Priorities
Couples sometimes have different priorities. That doesn’t have to be a breaking point, but the two of you may want to take time to discover what your most important priorities are. If you don’t have the same ones and can’t compromise, it is better to know sooner rather than later.

7. Making Sure It’s Love
Finally, if you’re not sure you’re really in love with your partner, then a relationship break can be hugely beneficial. As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. If your heart does grow fonder, you’ll know your feelings are true. If not … well, like I said, it’s better to know this sooner rather than later.

As mentioned, just because you take a relationship break doesn’t mean your relationship is over. You and your partner can become even stronger than before. Generally a break isn’t about a lack of love – unless, as mentioned, you’re having doubts. Even still, a break can show you just what you’re missing. If it does lead to a breakup, however, then it’s often better to end things sooner, and more amicably. Have you ever had a relationship break? Let us know what happened and what you discovered!

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