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Sex & Love

7 Best Places for a Successful First Date

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Are there such things as best places for a successful first date?

| by Jelena Jovanovic |

Well, I’d say both yes and no. Even the most fool proof plans can backfire if not done correctly and even the most unconventional places could provide an ideal setting for your first date. But, don’t let that scare you into changing your plans because I’m about to give you some ideas and tell you something more about 7 best places for a successful first date.

1. Coffee shop
Nothing beats the classic, “Let’s have a coffee together sometime?” line – Doesn’t it? Well, then coffee shop it is! Now, choosing the right coffee shop is something you need to take very seriously as both too crowded and too quiet places might ruin your date. Loud music and people zooming in and out will probably make having a normal conversation very difficult, if not even impossible, while too quiet, totally empty coffee shops make the awkward situation even worse. Make the right choice and you’ll have a wonderful time as coffee shops tend to be one of the best places for a successful first date.

2. Restaurant
Pick a nice, cozy restaurant, ask for a good table, just relax, be yourself and your date will go great! Restaurants are also a great place to chat, get to know each other a little bit better and, of course, flirt. The wine will loosen you both up and the conversation will start going smoothly very soon but, in case you run out of conversation topics, you can always focus on your food and use those moments to think of new things to talk about. Favorite foods, favorite deserts, favorite drinks- those are all good questions and they will not only help you to learn more about your date, but keep the conversation going as well. Stay away from small, empty, unpopular places because your date might feel like you’re trying to hide her/him.

3. Park
Parks are also one of the best places for a successful first date, especially if you both enjoy outdoors activities. If you have pets, you can take them for a walk and have a casual, stress-free non-date date. You can also suggest a walk or surprise your date by planning a picnic! I personally love the idea of a picnic date, partially because nobody was creative enough to think of that and partially because I have a feeling that this type of dates helps people relax and chat freely thus get to know each other very good and have a great time while doing so.

4. Mall
The idea might sound a bit childish but your local mall might be one of the best places for a successful first date! Don’t believe me? Well, think about it – it’s crowded and well lit so your date won’t feel awkward, there are plenty of things to see and talk about and, once you’re done browsing around (or in case you notice your date doesn’t really enjoy window shopping) you can always suggest having a coffee/drink/snack in some of the coffee shops/bars/restaurants. Most big malls have cinemas too, so in case your date doesn’t feel very chatty, you can always salvage what’s left of your evening by suggesting a movie. I’d say a mall is a great place to “test the waters” and find more about your date’s likes and dislikes.

5. Ice skating ring
Now, this is my idea of a perfect first date, especially if we’re talking about one of those dates you’re dying to go on. Ice skating will definitely keep you both busy and, if you’re not really a good skater, you can always ask him to hold you. Now, the problem is the fact that you won’t get to talk much but hey, all that skating will make you thirsty so stop by the nearest coffee shop and continue your date there.

6. Dancing
No, I don’t have clubs in mind – if you continue to date, you’ll have plenty of time do go clubbing together. Browse the internet to find interesting dance events in your area and suggest checking them out together. Dance-off, free dance lessons, waltz on the main square – all those events could turn your first date into an amazing, memorable experience both you and your date would like to do more often.

7. Surprise date
Surprise date is supposed to be something creative, something most people don’t usually do and something that is supposed to sweep her of her feet. Circus show, amusement park, balloon ride or maybe even some extreme sports like bungee jumping. Now, before you plan a date like this, you must make sure your date is up for it so either ask her friends for advice or think of a way to indirectly ask her how she feels about this or that.

I’d say these are all great places to go on for a date but, hey, maybe I’m just being too subjective. So, tell me more about your favorite places, places you usually choose for a first date and the ones that are, in your opinion, the best places for a successful first date.

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