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Sex & Love

7 (Harmless) Ways to Make Your Man Jealous

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Reviving your relationship takes a concentrated effort, but you can speed it along with these juicy tips to make him see green!
| by Mercy |

Time can take a toll on your marriage. After the first few honeymoon months, you will notice the‘magic’ and ‘romance’ fade away a little. Your man may hardly notice when you walk into the room. He’s too busy watching the football game or just sitting there doing nothing. When that happens you know it’s time to do something about it!

Day 1: Mirror, mirror on the wall…
Take a good look at yourself. When was the last time you had a sexy haircut? Get an appointment with your hair salon for a body wax, manicure and a pedicure. You can’t make anyone jealous if you look like a yellow toothed gorilla. Add some color to your hair and look clean, healthy and ready to take on the world.

Day 2: Pamper yourself a bit
Remember the money you’re saving up to buy him a new tie? Spend it! Buy a pair of elegant black pumps. Move over to the lingerie section and get something strappy, a little bold but not too flashy. Subtlety works like magic! When you get home, leave the package at some obvious location. You don’t have to open it all out. Just leave a little bit of lace peeping out of the cover. Don’t mention it when your man comes home. Don’t even wear it for the next week. He’ll wonder why you bought such awesome innerwear when you were not planning to use it!

Day 3: Girls day out
Avoid sitting at home and calling up your man to ask him when he’s coming back from home. Be independent. Get a hobby to keep your occupied. Find friends who are not common to his. Make plans to keep you busy in the evenings. You want him to know that you have a life and that you are a happy and independent women of the 21st century. If he doesn’t have time for you, then you are not going to wait around forever.

Day 4: Join a gym
Make sure that the gym that you join is unisex. Mention in passing the names of a couple of ‘male’ friends and how they’re so regular to the gym. Also mention how you appreciate that they’re putting so much effort into looking good. If you have a personal trainer, then all the better! Don’t forget to talk about his biceps.

Day 5: A bouquet of questions
If Valentine’s is around the corner, make a pact with your girlfriends to send each other red roses. Don’t include a card. When it arrives, look happy. Don’t prance around him asking if he sent it. Act like it’s just another day. After you’re done with the cooking, take a bath and change into something nice before you sit down to dinner. Don’t look surprised, if he compliments the food today (even if it’s just broccoli).

Day 6: Use thy neighbor
If you have a good looking single neighbor then call him over to fix the leaking tap in the kitchen or get him to help you with the gardening. Ensure he’s still around when your man gets home. Soon he’ll be looking around for things do fix up at home!

Day 7: Be secure
If you really love your man, there’s no need to go all out to hurt him. We just want to nudge him in the right direction. Sometimes a heart to heart talk can revive a marriage like nothing else. Sit him down, tell him that he’s the love of your life and nothing would ever come between you. Men need to feel needed. And if you’re a emotionally strong, sexy, entertaining and loving woman then there’s no reason why he wouldn’t want you around.

4 replies on “7 (Harmless) Ways to Make Your Man Jealous”

Makes a guy wonder what Sonia G.’s relationship status is!

Soon to be single(er!)?

LOL, Yeah a few of these pointers might get you a beat down…LOL (not that domestic abuse is funny, because it’s NOT) but i’m just saying though.

That is too true – Zack. Let your man come home and another man is fixing things in the house…… thats a recipe for disaster. As a matter of fact #2, #4 and #6 are straight relationship ruiners. Who wrote this!!!

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