Shy Magazine


7 Reasons Why Foundation Matters

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You can go with the total coverage or opt for a subtle, tinted cream sort of it, but a well chosen foundation is and will be the base of your look.
| by Jelena Jovanovic |

No exceptions, ifs ands or buts – mismatch your foundation and you’ll look like you’ve borrowed somebody else’s head. No eye shadows, clothes or perfect shoes will be able to overcompensate for the fact that your face is two shades lighter or darker than the rest of your body. However, that’s not the only reason to focus your attention on picking the most suitable foundation for your skin type. Want to know why I think it’s the most important piece of makeup you’ll ever have? Well, these are my top 7 reasons:

1. It helps us look better
If you are tired, sick or going through a phase in which your skin doesn’t have its natural glow, you’ll always rely on your foundation to help you look presentable. Some foundations have those sparkly particles that imitate skin’s natural shine, others have some agents that help your skin regain a bit of its glow and elasticity. A real miracle, isn’t it? I bet guys are really jealous of us! I’m sure they are, I even know a few that use foundation but would never admit it!

2. It protects the skin
A good foundation is the one that has a UV protection, allows your skin to breathe and gives it enough elasticity and moisture. It creates a protective layer that keeps the sensitive skin of your face away from that cold winter air or damaging UV rays of the sun during summer. So, if you invest a little bit of time and effort and manage to find the foundation that fits your skin type and preferences, you’ll literally kill two birds with one stone.

3. It hides small imperfections
It’s all about picking the shade that matches your skin tone and neutralizes the problems you might have. A well-chosen and well-applied foundation doesn’t only look and feel completely natural but neutralizes redness and makes dark spots, scars and even freckles less noticeable. Don’t know about you, but I just love this wonderful substance!

4. It helps makeup last longer
Foundation is the corner stone of both your day and evening makeup. It provides a smooth, non greasy surface for all the other things you’re planning to apply to stick on to and makes them look better and last longer. Just tell me one thing, if you didn’t have the foundation, how long do you think it would take for all of your other makeup to start fading?

5. It allows us to “cheat”
Some foundations are so good at covering things up that you don’t even have Photoshop you pictures. Now, if you don’t know how to use this program and you want to look flawless on your wedding photos, you’ll probably pay somebody to do this for you. But why waste money when you can get a foundation you’ll use later too? These foundations are too “heavy” for daywear but they can be a real lifesaver for special events and important outings.

6. It’s a valid skincare product
Don’t underestimate the modern medicine; a foundation is not just a piece of decorative cosmetics. Cosmetologists know how important part of our everyday lives this thing really is and they have managed to produce new, better foundations that don’t only enhance out appearance at the moment, but have a positive long term effect. Some have anti-wrinkle properties while others moisturize and soothe sensitive, easily irritated skin. Now, that’s what I call a good quality foundation!

7. It gives us more confidence
Having a breakout is bad enough, just imagine how you would feel if you had no means to cover it up! Yes, that’s how guys feel every day. If a guy wakes up with a huge zit on his forehead he’ll just have to live with the fact that he’ll spend three days looking like a unicorn. If we wake up with a huge zit, we’ll just cover it up with a concealer and then finish the job by applying foundation. Now, isn’t it great when you don’t have to be the laughing-stock of the entire classroom/office/community?

But, tell me, do you have some special reasons to love your foundation too? Feel free to share your tips on choosing the perfect shade too and do discuss your fav brands.

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