Shy Magazine


DC – The Top of the World Party

“You only live twice” when you’re partying on the rooftop terrace of the historical Warner Theater.
| by Aliya E. Duran | 2011 |

Opscale event promoters Mitch Mathis and Ryan White of DT Nation rocked the night out with the young, rich and out of control, but responsible fashionably dressed crowd. While mingling on the top of Warner’s luxurious outer surface, Bottles continued to pour and while beautiful ladies danced the night away on leather couches. Now speaking of the professionals and business people; I love seeing lawyers, socialites, and entrepreneurs come together and have a good time!

The Warner Theater is located 1299 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington D.C.

Event: ” The Top Of the World Party ” Fortune 500 Edition was held on Sunday July 31st

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