It’s nothing to be ashamed of really, after a certain amount of time people tend to get comfortable and they forget that fizzle that they used to have for trying new things. The following are 7 easy ways to recapture that flame and set your sex life ablaze!
1. Try a new place, anywhere but the bedroom
Is your bed feeling a little… tired. Try switching things up, don’t have sex on your bed, try any other flat surface in your house. The shower, the counter, the possibilities are endless. Next time your honey walks through the door after a long day of work, plant one on him and greet him the right way!
2. Send a racy text or email
Has your babe been out and about all day, working long hours, or just busy in general? Why not send him a racey text or email just to let him know that when his mind is on other things, your mind is on one thing! If you’re feeling really daring, send a sexy picture too, I’m sure that will get him home really fast!
3. Try a new position
Do you tend to start one way and then go straight to your default position? Well, switch it up and keep it switched! But a position a day calender, buy a book, get creative. You don’t need to bend yourself into a pretzel, just make sure that you’re not doing the same thing all the time. A little variety is good!
4. Fantasy night
We’ve all got them, why not try and live a couple of you and your honey’s fantasies out. Does he want a full service made? Do you want a steamy doctor? Tell each other. Not only are you being honest and opening up a whole new line of communication but you’re also getting something you both want. So set aside a night where you can be something different for each other.
5. Buy something new he’ll like
I know how things get. We get comfortable and gone are the days of lace and satin and here are the days of cotton blends. So, drop the draws and replace with something barely there in a color he loves on you. It’s simple and easy, and just adds a little flare.
6. Build anticipation
When he gives you that kiss goodbye in the morning and you have plans to see him that same night, rev him up a little so he’ll really be in a rush to see you. Grab his tie or his shirt and take charge. Give him a steamy kiss that makes him want more. Then, whisper in his ear that you can’t wait to finish what you started later. That will surely spice things up.
7. Get Handsy
That’s right, have a teenage grope fest. Grab his butt, rub his back when you walk by. Anything that establishes a little bit of contact. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. You’re just grabbing what’s yours. So go ahead, grab and handful and let him do the same.
Well ladies, hopefully these tips have helped a little bit. Do you have anything you’d like to add to the list? Any little tricks or tips you think the rest of the world should be made aware of? Let me know down below!