Shy Magazine

Celebrity Gossip

Josh Duggar A No Show At Rehab Facility


Josh Duggar cheated on his wife using two Ashley Madison accounts.

| by Roberta Ferguson – SHY Magazine | 2015 |

After that big reveal, the religious quack apologized to his wife publicly, but also revealed that he’d become addicted to pornography. When a stripper turned hooker came forward to claim that Josh paid $1,500 for sex with her twice, Josh was on the next thing smoking to a rehab facility. At least that’s what he told everyone.

Apparently Josh has since decided that he doesn’t need rehab because the facility has noted that he is a no show. Michelle Duggar announced last week that her son would be checking into Reformers Unanimous, which states that they help people recover from addiction using bible verses. Oh, the power of prayer!

It’s such a shame that Josh isn’t actually benefitting from whatever services they provide and has hopped in the family jet to some other location (perhaps a place where prostitution is legal?)

It has been reported that the family plane arrived in Paragould at around 9am and left for Springdale at around 6pm. Perhaps the family dropped off Anna and Josh in order to make them work out their issues privately? Does anyone know of any religious cults in the area?
In other news, the Duggar family has a private plane. Let that one sink in for a minute.

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