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Sex & Love

Best 7 Dating Tips … From My Mother

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My mother always has the best advice about everything, from kids to clothes to cooking and even about men and dating.
| by Jennifer |

Iwould never have admitted this when I was a teenager, but her relationship advice was always spot on. Here are the 7 best dating tips from my mother, to you!

1. If a boy likes you, nothing will stop him from calling you

This can be updated a little to say “if a boy likes you, nothing will stop him from calling, texting, e-mailling, IM’ing, or Facebooking you.” It’s true. If a boy likes you, he will be in touch, no matter what. No excuses.

2. If he doesn’t call within three days, he’s not going to call

Even if you think the two of you had the most amazing first date, if you don’t hear from him within three days, you won’t (unless you call). Some boys (especially the ones who aren’t worth having) are too afraid or lazy to tell a girl they’re not interested, and will simply not call.

3. If he treats his mother and sister disrespectfully, he’ll treat you the same way

If a boy is disrespectful to his mother, and treats his sister poorly (even his annoying little sister), then expect to be treated the same by him. If he doesn’t respect his mother, then he likely won’t respect other women.

4. If he talks badly about his friends to you, you know he’s talking badly about you to them

Contrary to popular belief, boys can be gossips and frenemies too. If he talks badly about his so-called friends to you, then be assured he’s talking badly about YOU to THEM when you’re not around.

5. Never kiss and tell

A man likes a woman who’s discreet, and talking about conquests will make you look trampy. You’re allowed to compliment him, and to drop sly comments, but really, aside from your BFF, who else needs to know?

6. Don’t accept a date for Friday night on Friday morning

It’s okay to make an exception to this rule once in a while, but if he gets in the habit of asking you for a date just before it’s supposed to happen, that means he probably doesn’t respect your time… in other words, if he calls you Friday afternoon for a date in a few hours, does he really think you won’t already have plans?

7. Don’t date a man who’s married, even if he’s “separated” or “it’s over.”

Plain and simple, do not ever, ever date a man who is married in any sense of the word. Do you really need the lies, the hassle, and the dishonesty? No, you don’t. So stay away. End of story.

Trust me, my mother was, and is, right about every one of these bits of dating advice. Do you have any other sage dating advice to share, maybe something your own mother taught you? Please let me know… I’d love to hear it!

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