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Chris Evans: Captain America Is ‘The Ideal Human’

Chris Evans //
Chris Evans gets into character as Captain America on the cover of Empire’s March issue.
| by Just | 2011 |

I think he’s the ideal human,” Chris told the mag about the superhero he plays in Captain America: The First Avenger. “Not just American. It’s what being a good person is.”

“[My character] Steve’s managed to overcome all the shortcomings he’s had in life and he does what’s good and what he believes is right,” the 29-year-old added.

“I’ve always loved Raiders and the tone that it had. It was period but didn’t feel like it was made in the period. It felt like a modern-day film about the period, which is what we’re doing on Captain America,” said director Joe Johnston.

“It will not feel like a war movie. It’s funny where it needs to be and emotional where it needs to be and serious and full of action,” he explained.

Captain America: The First Avenger hits theaters July 22, 2011!

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