Shy Magazine

Sex & Love

Down Low Sistas

Photo: Getty //
I was introduced to C. Magazine by Shannae earlier this week and came across an interesting article called Down Low Sistas.
| by Pauleanna |

The title alone caught my interest so I took a browse and surprisingly enough it turned out to be a great read!

I’m sure you all have heard of the ‘down low brotha’ epidemic (check out the comment section of this post for my personal experience with a down low brotha!) once the word got out that men were living double lives with other men- women from all parts of town thought twice before jumping into relationships, but in this particular piece, Clutch has flipped the script by shedding light on a hush topic that women rarely discuss. Same-sex relationships!

Believe it or not, the same issue has risen with black women aswell. It’s all around us, sexuality is more explored than ever, stemming from influences in our everyday lives! So are we actually surprised that women are engaging in same sex relationships and lying about their true sexuality aswell?

“Just as men, you would never know a “DL sista” by her occupation or physical appearance. However, often times, these sistas mask behind their careers, made-up exterior and material possessions to appear normal or as what society deems the traditional make up of a straight woman.”

There are many reasons for this kind of deceitful behaviour, but to be frank it seems as if it is just as common as a stuffy nose. Some assume that this ‘group’ of particular women are confused individuals who experiment in order to find something deeper and steer clear of unnecessary drama while others may assume that they hide behind their ‘straight’ lives out of fear that they won’t be accepted.

I say: Sexuality, whether you are attracted to the same sex or not should be something beautiful- don’t hide from it. Embrace it!

What are your thoughts about “DL sistas”?

Meet you in the comment section!

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