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Sex & Love

How to Determine If You Are Committing Too Soon

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We all know that it is really hard to tell if you are moving way too fast in a realtionship.
| by kimanesha | Dec. 09 |

Moving too fast can mean disaster, but moving too slow could cause problems as well. There are some situations in which progressing quickly is not a problem. This can be because when it comes to realtionships they are more mature or they can make more thought out decisions than others can. If you notice any signs that you are moving too quickly pay attention to these things because it’s less heartbreaking to catch it early now than later.

1 || It’s not good when you know each other more emotionally than you do in any other way.When you know each other very well but not in the right order, this is a sign your moving too fast.

2 || When the important things in your life are not quite so important any more because all of your time and devotion is dedicated to this new relationship. You may notice that you procrastinate on things you would normally be on top of. This is not a good thing.

3 || If you are dating others and you notice yourself abruptly and rudely ending it with others this is a sign you will notice as well as others around you. You may stop talking to them completely instead of explaining to them what’s going on with you right now.

4 || Pay attention when your friends tell you that they are concerned that your relationship may be moving too quickly.

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