Shy Magazine


How To Spot A Selfish Man In 5 Seconds

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Meet a guy at a party?
| by Ami Angelowicz | 2011 |

Browsing through online dating profiles? You might not actually have to waste time going on a date with him to discover the sad fact that he’s self-absorbed. According to a new study, if his face is ridiculously symmetrical (i.e. he’s super hot and everything lines up perfectly) he is significantly more selfish than the average bear. Due to his biological blessings, he is less likely to cooperate with others, more likely to have his own interests at heart. Why? Because his beauty makes him too self-sufficient for the likes of you, peon. The same goes for symmetrically-faced ladies. Got it! Beautiful people are not really fun to date, unless you are also beautiful. Us plebeians should go “uglier” when given the option. But what if that “uglier” guy is also a selfish a**hole because he mistakenly thinks he’s hot? How do we spot him just by looking? He’s much more dangerous. Help us, science!

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