Shy Magazine


Jason Momoa: ‘Conan the Barbarian’ Posters!

Check out Jason Momoa in these posters from his upcoming movie Conan the Barbarian!
| by Just | 2011 |

The action flick also stars Rachel Nichols, Stephen Lang, Rose McGowan, Said Taghmaoui, and Ron Perlman.

Jason, 31, stars as the title character who travels “across the continent of Hyboria on a quest to avenge the murder of his father and the slaughter of his village.”

WATCH: Conan the Barbarian Trailer

“The day I got crushed by a horse was the worst [day of filming]. I stopped that day, went straight to the trailer, and started drinking scotch,” Jason told

As for taking on a role that was once Arnold Schwarzenegger’s, “I don’t really think it’s filling his shoes. We’re not remaking it,” he explained.

“It’s a reboot of the franchise in the vein of Bond or Batman,” Jason added. “With no disrespect to Arnold, I haven’t seen his version yet – I wanted to see mine first!”

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