Shy Magazine

Art & Design

Local Artist Wows Crowd At Private Event

Photos: Shy Mag //
Artist Drew Nussbaum confidently strolled through The Knight Conference Center at The Newseum last while guest viewed his latest collection.
| by Quincy Jones | 2010 |

The pieces ranged from bright colored abstracts to interesting interpretations of popular icons. The night also included a fashion element where International fashion blogger Aureta Thomollari showed pieces from her own closet to compliment Nussbaum’s work.

Nussbaum dedicated the night to his deceased mother, and goes on to say, “After my mother’s death last year, I really began to use my art as a catharsis. This showing is definitely a celebration of her life, as well as a jumpstart to my new beginning.” Proceeds from sales of the night also went to Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind, which was an organization dear to his mother’s heart.

Nussbaum teamed up with Event Planners Quincy Jones and Horace Bradshaw, as well as DNA Luxury Consulting to ensure a memorable night. The event included an opera singer, deejay Adrian Loving, and afro beat drummers, and a reception fit enough for a king. Invitees included prominent members of the Washington political, philanthropic, fashion, art and social scenes.

To view this amazing collection of artwork, please visit

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