Shy Magazine


Olivia Wilde talks about her royal life

Photos: Wire Image |
Photos: Wire Image |
Although House, M.D., star Olivia Wildelives large as a Hollywood actress, her glam quotient gets a boost considering her husband, filmmaker Tao Ruspoli, is Italian royalty.
| by Ok! Mag. | Nov. 09 |

[dropcap]B[/dropcap]ut the experience is not nearly as lavish as one would expect.

“You would think we’d get more, right?” the actress, 25, who stars in the drama Fix, yuks. “I’d like a free parking space and maybe some other stuff. What it really means is that when I go visit my in-laws, I stay in a castle and I see them. What it really means is that they really have a long history. I’m American, and for our history, it doesn’t go back very far, so to have a family that can trace themselves back 700 years at the same house is cool.”

Indeed, Tao, whom she wed in 2003, knows how to treat Olivia like a princess.

“Oh, he spoils me,” she tells me. “He puts up with me jetting off every five minutes to make a movie, and he’s very supportive. If I said ‘I have to go to Albania for seven months – isn’t that amazing?,’ he’s like ‘yeah!’ I think that’s how he spoils me – by being supportive.”

66th+Annual+Golden+Globe+Awards+aHC9xKtVaV_lThe couple hopes to have “tons” of kids, and Olivia jokes that she intends to perform “weird psychological, experimental, anthropological experiments” on them. But seriously …

“I think that I was given a lot of really amazing opportunities as a kid,” she says. “My parents never sheltered me, but they exposed us to a lot of interesting places in the world, and a lot of interesting things. I want to be able to do that for more human beings.”

One standout childhood memory? Meeting George Clooney.

“I was 13, and it was pretty amazing,” she says. “He told me that next time he saw me, I was going to be a movie star. We’ll see. I haven’t seen him since, so I’m working on it really hard.”

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