I’d tried grown-up moisturizers over the years, but they all, without exception, were so greasy they made me break out. A few weeks ago, though, I received a sample of Philosophy Hope in a Jar, and gave it a try.
Price: $38.00 at philosophy.com
I wasn’t sure what to expect, and I was actually a little scared. I didn’t want another face full of pimples because I tried a new moisturizer just once. I did my normal morning face-wash routine, then timidly applied a dollop of Hope in a Jar. It was soft, light, with a whipped texture, and it smelled great, with lavender undertones. It applied beautifully, smoothly, not greasy or oily, and it soaked right into my skin. That night, when I washed my face before bed, I half-expected to see a crop of new pimples, but my skin was still glowing, and there wasn’t even the tiniest bump anywhere.
I used Hope in a Jar for two weeks, and I love it. It is a little heavier than what I would wear in the summer, but it’s a perfect winter moisturizer, with the added bonus of reducing wrinkles while keeping your skin hydrated and radiant. If you do have very dry skin, and want to use this during the summer, there’s also a version of Hope in a Jar with added oil-free SPF 30 protection. There’s yet another Hope for those of us with sensitive skin, too. Perfect!