Ineed a scrub that will help keep oil at bay… so I tried the St. Ives Naturally Clear Green Tree Scrub, and it’s perfect!
Price: $6.59 at drugstore.com
The only person I knew who used St. Ives was my mother — she used their apricot scrub when I was little, and she had the most gorgeous complexion. So when I was looking for a new scrub, I set out to buy that one, but the “green tea” on the label of this one caught my eye. I already knew that green tea was loaded with antioxidants, but I didn’t know that it helps reduce redness… bonus! And this St. Ives scrub also contains salicylic acid, a known oil and acne fighter. So a scrub from a brand I loved, with redness-reducing green tea, and salicylic acid? I plucked it off the shelf and gave it a go.
The color and scent are fresh and sweet, and the scrub has just enough exfoliate in it, perfect for scouring away dead skin cells, but not too harsh. As promised, the scrub left my skin soft and glowing, and I noticed a decrease in blemishes, amazing for this time of year, when the heat and humidity make me shiny and oily. I’ve retired my pricey Philosophy Microdelivery until fall… because this St. Ives Naturally Clear Green Tree Scrub has stolen my heart for the summer!