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10 Top Fashion Mistakes That Can Spoil Your Look 4 Good!

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Nothing can spoil your look more than a conspicuous fashion faux pas. Image and wardrobe consultant Sheila Dicks points out the ten most common fashion mistakes and how to avoid them.
| by Sheila Dicks | Dec. 09 |

1Wearing the Wrong Colors

To look your best, choose wardrobe colors that complement your skin. Wearing the wrong colors will make your skin appear sallow and lines and wrinkles will be more evident. On the other hand, the right colors will make you look more vibrant and healthy.

2. Too much makeup

Too much makeup creates a harsh look and makes lines appear deeper. Keep your daytime makeup light and evening makeup a little darker. If you are unsure of makeup application techniques, see a professional. Many popular cosmetic counters at your local department store will provide a free makeup session.

3. Poorly fitting clothing

Many women don’t realize that wearing clothes that fit too tightly actually make them appear larger. Buy clothes for how they fit, not according to size.

4. Chipped nail polish

The idea of nail polish is to make your nails appear nicer. Chipped polish just brings attention to poor grooming.

5. An old-fashioned hairstyle or messy hair

Your hairstyle creates a first impression. From your hairstyle, people make judgments about your education level, status, age, and so forth. This doesn’t mean their assumptions are correct – they happen instinctively. Make sure it doesn’t happen to you. Visit your hairstylist regularly. If your hairstylist has become set in her ways and always cuts your hair in the same way, you may want to try someone new.

6. Messy Shoes

Take care of your shoes, for they complete your look. Also ensure that your shoes complement your outfit.

7. Roots that show

If you color your hair, make sure you keep it maintained regularly. There’s nothing more distracting than roots that are a different color than the rest of your hair.

8. Bras and bra straps that show

When wearing sleeveless tops, ensure you wear a racer back bra. Don’t wear bras that fit too tightly or don’t provide good support.

9. Mismatched hose

Match your pantyhose with your shoes or with your pants or skirt.

10. Wearing inappropriate clothes

For the work environment, avoid flashy clothes (unless you are in a creative field). Do not wear short skirts, (more than 3 inches above the knee) sleeveless tops, plunging necklines, stilettos, too much jewelry, leather pants or skirts, or anything that shimmers.

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