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Wal-Mart says has removed Confederate flag merchandise from stores


Today, retail giant Walmart announced that it would stop selling products bearing the Confederate flag and remove those that do from stores.

| 2015

We never want to offend anyone with the products that we offer,” a Walmart spokesperson told the network, adding that the company has already “taken steps” to pull items promoting the flag. “We have a process in place to help lead us to the right decisions when it comes to the merchandise we sell. Still, at times, items make their way into our assortment improperly.”

As of Monday night, a number of Confederate flag products available on just hours before had been purged from the website, including “Redneck Firefighter Confederate Flag Southern T-Shirt” and “Buckle Rage Country Girl Cursive Confederate Flag Southern Rebel Belt Buckle.”

However, the state flag of Mississippi, which incorporates the Confederate battle flag in its design, remains available for purchase.

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