Cheating whilst in a relationship is probably the most hurtful thing one can do to their significant other. It ends up not only hurting the ego; it can make someone feel very insecure about themselves. And although there are certain attributes in relationships that may give someone the need to find sexual affection and gratification elsewhere, cheating usually results from a dissatisfaction of sorts.
Personally, I think there are no excuses for cheating, but as my male counterparts always say, “it’s in our genetic make-up to be polygamous.” I guess nowadays, that goes for women too. Maybe even yours.
Levels of cheating
Now while some complain that cheating includes masturbating online and others think that simply becoming close to someone on a mental level is betrayal, for the sake of argument I’m going to stick to the good old definition: having sex with someone besides your significant other.
If you are in a great relationship and want to ensure that your woman, whether she’s your wife or simply your girlfriend, doesn’t stray into another man’s arms, then make sure that you don’t commit any of the following.
The element of surprise is a wondrous and marvelous thing… you don’t have to dress up like Batman, but giving her a soft, wet kiss and spanking her on occasion may just spice things up a bit.
Before I delve into all the things that may lead your woman to find a boy toy, however, keep in mind that there are some women who are just rotten and cheat on men in a serial fashion because they can. And if your current woman has openly admitted that she cheated on all her boyfriends before you, perhaps they weren’t the problem.
You stopped giving her attention
If there’s one thing I can surely admit, being a woman and all, it’s that the female condition makes compliments mandatory, especially when change is involved. If she went from a long haired blonde to a short haired brunette and you didn’t even notice, then perhaps Johnny from the block will be willing to comment on her hair in great detail.
Your ability to pay attention to detail must be honed in a relationship and there’s no better time than the present to do so. Even if there is no change in her appearance, telling her you think she’s hot (even saying it like that) can make all the difference in her day and your romantic relationship.
And when it comes to sex, if you’re always doing the same thing over and over again, chances are she will long for some intrigue and mystique in the bedroom. The element of surprise is a wondrous and marvelous thing… you don’t have to dress up like Batman, but giving her a soft, wet kiss and spanking her on occasion may just spice things up a bit.
Lack / fear of intimacy
If she’s thinking of walking down the aisle with you but you want nothing more than occasional sleepovers, sex included, then chances are she might start roaming for a new candidate. Of course, on the minute occasion that you’re pressuring her into marriage, again, she may seek the comfort of a casual acquaintance.
Communicate. Be honest about where you stand and if you notice that the two of you aren’t on the same level when it comes to commitment, be honest with yourselves and come to a realistic conclusion.
You change drastically
You used to be nicer, now everything seems to irritate you. You used to have a six-pack, now all you do is drink them. You get lazy, you stop trying to impress her and you no longer take care of yourself. Suddenly, the mailroom guy is looking mighty hot…
Don’t let yourself go. Given you are allowed a modicum of comfort in a relationship, that shouldn’t entail a mundane life of Cheetos and beer by the plasma TV. Keep yourself fit, take care of yourself and when it comes to changes in your lifestyle, keep them positive.
Women complain that all men are pigs, but there are a couple of female porkers out there too fellas, and I’m certain you’ve encountered a few in your heyday.
Someone’s giving her more attention
Sometimes women cheat simply because something tempting comes along. Maybe she’s bored, maybe she happens to bump into “Mr. Perfect,” whatever the case, sometimes timing is everything.
Her sense of adventure is restless and starts hunting for excitement. When it comes to a solution, this is a difficult one to resolve. I can tell you to keep the communication lines open, but if she told you that she thought about having an affair but didn’t act on it because she loves you, how happy would that really make you?
You cheated on her
I’ve told thousands of men and women who have been cheated on that perhaps it’s best to move on, and if you’ve ever strayed on your woman, prepare yourself for the worst.
This is not to say that all women who have been cheated on will seek revenge, but most feel as though they have a “Get out of jail free” card in their pocket. And what’s more, some feel the need to make you taste your own medicine.
This one’s easy; don’t cheat. But in the off chance that you already have, and are certain that you will not do it again, you have to constantly reassure her that you’re not up to anything in order to regain her trust. And if you notice that she flirts more often with other guys or starts treating you badly, then perhaps you should consider moving on.
She’s just rotten
Women complain that all men are pigs, but there are a couple of female porkers out there too fellas, and I’m certain you’ve encountered a few in your heyday. You know, the ones always on the lookout for the BBD (Bigger Better Deal). They’re everywhere, and hopefully you’re not dating one.
If you are dating one of these kinds of women, I strongly recommend that you walk away, and if not, then double-bag, my brother, double-bag.
Zip it up
There’s no doubt that people in relationships cheat on each other, and if you want to keep your relationship both monogamous and prosperous, then do your best to keep things exciting and easy.