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Sex & Love

5 Kinds Of Girls Men Actually Hate

Modern society makes its own rules and regulations.
| by geniusbeauty | 2014 |

We are all accustomed to the popular belief that all men like long-legged mannequins with a Hollywood smile and outstanding forms.

Do Men Prefer Models?

That is why many girls torture themselves with diets and suffer to exhaustion trying to approximate their appearance to the ideal. But if men really needed such sacrifices, then humanity would already be on the verge of extinction because there are not enough models to go around for all guys. So, what then?

Which Woman’s Traits Attract a Man Most?

Of course, the dogma that men love with their eyes is still in effect. But this is only the tip of the iceberg. We have a list of requirements for the chosen man, but men themselves imagine that their “second half” should be good in many aspects. And the desires of all men are different. Someone will expect that the chosen lady will cook, someone needs a football cheerleader and a lover of cars, and some men dream that she will always walk around the house in sexy lingerie. Whatever they may think, the appearance is not a major factor in choosing a life partner. Ask any man what he loves his chosen one for. Hardly anyone will answer that it is her size four breast. No matter how trivial it may sound, but they love women for the good character, for the sense of humor, for the similarity of interests, and more often – for the very particular feature that distinguishes a woman and allows the man to feel special with her.

5 Things Men Hate about Women

Now, let us try to understand what girls men are repelled by. There are several types of women that men find very difficult to get along with.


A successful and strong-willed woman, who is so independent and ambitious that men are often scared of her. She is too militant, and the potential chosen man has the impression that he starts a business relationship rather than a romantic one.

Dull Beggar

It is very difficult to carry her away with something, she spends little energy and rarely has her own opinion towards anything. It is difficult for a man to find anything in such a girl.

She behaves in the company of men as if she were at home, her femininity gets lost among football, beer and dubious jokes. Some men would hate their girlfriend or wife behaving like this.

Princess, or Paris Hilton

She has very high demands, she loves luxury, flowers, and diamonds without restraining her desires. Not everyone can manage to keep up with such a woman. The Princess will immediately appreciate the watches, the clothes, the man’s car and will produce an impression of a superficial unnatural woman.

Obsessed Woman

This girl tests the man at once to check his suitability for the relationship and family life. She tries to lure the guy, seems to be too emotionally dependent and frightens the man with a prospect of a speedy marriage.

What Do Men Dislike in You?

Insensitive “spikes”, meticulous “naggers”, restless “crybabies”. To understand what can make a man reject you, you need to stay in his pair of shoes and assess the situation with a sober mind. Watch for yourself and try to avoid “sharp corners” in communication with what could potentially be “the one”.

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