Shy Magazine


7 Ways To Show People How Much You Care …


In our fast-paced world, it’s important to remember the many ways to show people how much you care.

We often become too busy to remember the simple things that make life really great, and that we typically need to be our happiest.

The people that surround us are a very important part of our well-being, and it’s important to show them that! Read on for ways to show people how much you care!


One of the easiest ways to show people how much you care is to send a simple hello! It’s so easy to send a quick “hi” with our phones, email or other online tools. We have no excuse! Take a funny snapshot, send a joke or ask about how their day is going. Your message may get to someone at just the right time, when they need it most!


We’re so digital that anything handwritten seems out-of-date. Sometimes, handwritten cards, letters or notes are super special, though. Drop someone a handwritten note or card — doodles included — and watch their smile spread as they get a wave of memory. You may even feel like a kid again! Address and post your note with an envelope to send via snail mail for an even better surprise.


If you’re about to meet a friend and see their favorite candy bar in the checkout line on sale, grab it! Little surprises here and there for those that you love are a great way to show that you’re always thinking about them. Don’t go overboard or over-spend, but splurge when you have the extra few dollars. It’s a great way to show people that you remember what they like, and remember them!


Listening, giving our full attention and being supportive are some of the most meaningful ways to show someone you care. Giving someone your ear wholeheartedly — so that you can give them sound advice, if they ask — understanding their point-of-view and sharing in a part of their hardship really shows how much you care. If a friend is having a rough couple of weeks, be sure to check in on them every couple of days. They’ll remember your thoughtfulness — even when everything is solved!


It’s so easy to forget to be helpful around friends! We become so comfortable around people that we miss out on opportunities to show our generosity. Make sure to always offer up help when you’re friend is stressed, or even when you’re just hanging out at their house. Don’t leave a mess! Be as helpful to a good friend as you’d be to a new acquaintance.


People notice when you remember certain things about them or their lives. Remember your friends’ birthdays, special days and which flavor of birthday cake is their favorite! You can’t remember everything, but remembering the small stuff can go a long way as well. Did they tell you about a daunting presentation at work? Ask how it went some time that week!


It’s so easy to just make last-minute plans all the time, but scheduling something ahead with someone shows them you care (especially parents or family members!) Call before your week’s plans are set, and ask if they have time during the week! You’ll feel great having scheduled important, meaningful time, and will make those around you feel great, too!

It’s a lot of fun to show people how much you care. Give these suggestions a try, and see if life seems brighter! What other great ways do you show people how much you care?

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