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Sex & Love

8 Things He Will Do If He Likes You


When your crush likes you, it’s probably hard to tell right?
Heather Jensen|

If you don’t know all of the things he’ll do when he likes you, how can you spot it out? Well girls, I’ve had a lot of crushes and I’ve spotted all sorts of things he’ll do when he likes you! So if your crush always sits near you, treats you completely different from your friends and stutters, do you think he likes you? Learn how to tell if he likes you below!

1. He Will Be Distracted When You’re around

When you enter a room, does your crush instantly become distracted and can’t complete his work – or even his meal? This is absolutely one of the things he’ll do when he likes you! Not only will he be completely distracted, but he’ll probably forget how to talk, where he is and he’ll smile a whole lot. It’s all nerves girls!

2. Stutters

What about when your crush actually talks to you? Does he stutter a lot? Does his speech and talking skip a bit? This is one of the things he’ll do when he likes you girls! I know this one is hard to spot right away, but as you are talking to your crush, if he constantly skips a word or can’t seem to get one out, it’s a sign!

3. Compliments The Smallest Thing about You

What about the compliments girls? Does your crush constantly compliment the smallest detail about you? From the new headband you are wearing to the new shoes you picked up, he notices! This is a sign girls and absolutely one of the ways on how to tell if he likes you! After all, why would he compliment someone he doesn’t exactly like?

4. Treats You Differently

Does your crush treat you completely different than he treats his friends? Does he put you above the rest? If your crush will touch you, talk to you, laugh with you and be corny with you – and he doesn’t do a lot of that with his friends, that’s one of the ways on how to tell if he likes you!

5. Longer Eye Contact

Do you notice that when your crush looks at you, he lingers on your stare? Does he constantly look right into your eyes and hold it? This is a surefire thing he’ll do when he likes you! Most of the time, guys are pretty shy when it comes to their looks and who they stare at, so keep that in mind!

6. He Doesn’t Leave a Gathering before You Do

What about when you hang out with your mutual friends and he’s there? Does he leave before you do? Does he offer to walk you home or drive you home? If your crush never leaves a gathering before you do and he is constantly looking for a way that you can stay longer, it’s one of the signs on how to tell if he likes you!

7. He Finds Random Excuses to Text You

Do you constantly get random text messages from him? Just to say ‘hi’ or even just to complain about a class teacher? If he is constantly looking for a random excuse to text you, to share something with you, or to keep you engaged, this is absolutely some of the things he’ll do when he likes you!

8. He Always Sits near You

Finally girls, does he always find some type of way to sit near you? Does he find a way to make sure that you are somewhere near him? That’s a sign girls, that he likes you and that he does want to be near you. Keep that in mind the next time your crush sits near you!

Now that you know all of the things he’ll do when he likes you, does your crush do any of them? Guys can be hard to figure out, but learning all of the things he’ll do when he likes you is even harder! So, take a look girls and see if he likes you!

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