Therefore, we all need tips on how to get your parents to like your new boyfriend. After following these, they will love him!
1. Be polite
It is so important that he is polite, especially if your parents have invited him to their home. If he is polite, they will automatically enjoy his company and they will believe he is a nice person. Also, if he is not polite to your parents, he is most probably impolite in everyday life, and they won’t like him! It’s time for manners.
2. Show interest
Showing interest in your parents’ jobs and hobbies will impress them, and make them believe he wants to get to know them. Also, if he finds something in common with them, it will give him something to talk about, and bond over. Have a conversation with him about your parents’ interests, maybe something about the family. Anything that will make them smile and flatter them.
3. Be complimentary
If he is at dinner with your parents, make sure he is complimentary of the food – and furniture and decoration within the house. That will make your mother happy. If your father has any trophies or awards, bring them up in conversation and congratulate him about them.
4. Dress to impress
Only you know how your parents feel about different outfits on different occasions. Give him tips on what they would like; it could even be an excuse for a shopping trip with him. Just make sure he is clean and well dressed.
5. Make a good first impression
First impressions do mean a lot, especially for your father. He will be very protective over you and much harder to win over than your mother. When meeting him for the first time, make sure that your boyfriend shakes his hand firmly, making it seem secure, but definitely not threatening. Smiles will also go down well with them.
6. Don’t be physical
The last thing your parents want to see is your new boyfriend and you kissing. He could put his arm around you to seem kinda protective, but nothing too touchy. Just imagine being in their shoes.
7. Don’t talk taboo
Certain things are off limit for him to talk about. It’s obvious enough, he should not swear, talk about drunken memories or other relationships. And if he can slip it into conversation, he should mention aspirations and schools. This will show he would like to become successful, and this will definitely impress them.
8. Make sure he is himself
As long as he does not pretend he is something he is not, he should be fine. If you like him, then hopefully they will, and they should understand that he makes you happy. Just make sure he is not too nervous and that he is kind.
I wish you all the luck in the world, at the end of the day, I’m almost certain they will love him, and following these steps will guarantee this. Have you ever had any bad experiences with boys and parents? We can all learn from these. Do any of you have any tips on impressing parents? I’d love to hear them!