Shy Magazine

Top Models

Beyond a Pretty Picture

Photos: 2009 Kailas Images |
Photos: 2009 Kailas Images |
How Words of Encouragement Lead Model Vivian Kindle to Her Dreams
| by Lucy Coutinho | Nov. 09 |

Fashion model Vivian Kindle stands at 5’5’’, curvy, and with elongated legs. Not your average model, this 21 year-old exotic beauty reveals how she has been able to conquer it all while maintaining her sanity and principles. A native of Wenatchee, Washington Kindle recently moved to Bellingham to pursue her modeling career. Coupled with affirmation and passion, she has taken the fashion modeling industry by storm. Come see for yourself why Vivian Kindle has peaked SHY’s curiosity.

SHY Magazine: You recently started modeling a year ago, what has motivated your drive and why now?

Vivian: I have always wanted to do it since I was younger, but I lacked the motivation. I met an amazing boyfriend, sounds silly, (she chuckles), and he really pushed me to do it. He was constantly reminding me that I am doing good and getting better. He’s very supportive with whatever style I want to do. He tells me that, ‘you are young and you need to do it now.’ He’s always been there to support me! Once I got my first taste of modeling, I felt like I could never get enough!

SHY: What types of modeling do you do, and what is your focus? What challenges, if any, do you encounter?

Vivian: I focus on beauty and swimwear (Sports Illustrated). I like to focus on these because of my height. My challenge is that I want to do more of fashion modeling, but they require you to be at least 5’7”! During a photoshoot, I have to help the photographers with generating unique poses, to create the illusion that I am taller than what I actually am.

SHY: Where can we see some of your work?

shymagazine-cover-vivian250Vivian: I have a two-page spread in the beauty section of the August 2009 issue of D-list Magazine. I am also featured in the 2009 advertisements for Northwest Business Monthly and Waldy Marten’s Floral Poster in Vancouver, BC. You could even find me on an active-wear clothing website, This year, I’ve also done some promotional modeling for Rockstar Energy Drink in Everett and Seattle, Washington as well.

SHY: From your experience, what would your advice be for other aspiring models?

Vivian: My advice would be to not let anything get in your way! Maintain your focus and get better at it. Show that you can do it just as well! Also, confidence is the key with modeling for sure!

SHY: What separates you from other models?

Vivian: I am very versatile with my modeling–I hit all types of styles! I like having crazy things thrown at me–I like the challenges. You just can’t fear anything in the modeling industry.

SHY: What qualities and strengths do you possess that have helped you thrive in the modeling business?

Vivian: I am a really outgoing and down to earth person. I don’t like to judge people–I am a people person. I love meeting new people! Everyone is different, and that’s what’s the best thing about people.

SHY: What helps you to stay grounded and focused?

Vivian: Motivation keeps me focused and wanting better things in life pushes me; wanting and having more out of life than what I already have. My family keeps me grounded for sure.

SHY: Describe your most memorable modeling experience, and what made this particular moment stand out?

Vivian: My most memorable modeling experience was meeting Joe Lindstorm, (photographer in Seattle, Washington) because it was also the first time I got to work with a make-up artist. He’s helped me a lot with motivation. I’ve had a lot of fun working with him. Learning his ways–he’s a perfectionist, which makes you want to be more professional. He really pushes me in that way.

SHY: How far do you see your career going?

Vivian: This last year has moved pretty quickly. I went from not knowing anything to knowing more than what I ever thought I would know…from hair, makeup, to fashion. I see myself traveling a lot more and working with more photographers. I am just now starting to travel outside of Seattle, Washington. I have recently traveled to California, Las Vegas, and Europe.

SHY: Do you have any other interests besides modeling, and do you have any other endeavors in the near future?

Vivian: I want to eventually take acting classes and I am going to start taking singing lessons. I have always wanted to do both modeling and singing. I am really funny, spontaneous, and outgoing. I love to make people laugh and get into character. It’s a lot of fun!

SHY: What would you want the world to know about Vivian that goes beyond the pretty pictures?

Vivian: I am a very real person; I have had many challenges in my life. I have learned from my mistakes of course! I was recently diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy, a condition that attacks the nerves and paralyzes the face. It has recently gone away, but that just goes to prove that not everyone is as perfect as they look in a picture.

7 replies on “Beyond a Pretty Picture”

Hey Vivian, from Germany the best for your career. Hope seeing you soon. With love, your onkel Tom.

Everyone loves you and proud of you I don’t know how many times I could say this keep up the great work…. You will always be my bestie love you soo much

Hey Vivian, way to go! I like your cover shot. Don’t forget the little people…

Oh Vivian, we are so excited for you! You look wonderful and classy! Great job and keep up the supreme work! —Mark, Tracy & Kenna Hickey

You are an unbelievable girl Vivian! We are very proud of how hard you work to achieve your dreams. You have a kind heart and are a beautiful woman inside and out. It’s been fun watching you grow! Love you lots, Anjanette

I’m so proud of you. Keep up the good work and enjoy your time in the spot light.
Your Mom.

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