Can lemons, eggs and toothpaste really heal dry, damaged skin?
Category: Beauty
Cleopatra was the Queen of the Nile and a legendary beauty.

I’ve always wanted to learn all of the different makeup tips to make lips look bigger so I can have luscious lips Angie Jolie – I’m sure I’m not the only one that wants lips like her right?
Plucking Hair against Hair Loss
US scientists believe that plucking hair can stimulate the scalp to regenerate new follicles. It would be an effective treatment for baldness.
The Perfect Lips
There seems to be this stereotype of the “perfect lips”, full plump lips which are symmetrical both sides and have a defined cupids bow.
Having acne as a teenager, I wish I had known of the many foods that ruin your skin, because I was eating most of them!
Natural beauty ingredients can help bring out the naturally beautiful you.
| by Ebangha Tanyi
7 Tips for Making Your Booty Look Amazing
Lately, it seems like having a good looking booty is more important than anything else.
Overnight beauty treatments are perfect if you ask me.
| by Ian Kerner | 2015 |
They work while I sleep and I wake up looking and feeling #beautiful. What more could a girl ask for? If you’ve never done overnight beauty treatments, now is definitely the #time to give it a try.
It can be hard to come by good easy tricks to make your breasts look amazing.
| by A.J. Green \
It all depends on your size, shape and the actual goal you’d like to accomplish – such as keeping a natural, but perkier look vs. trying to get your breasts to seem more imposing.