Shy Magazine

Sex & Love

Six sure signs he’s not in love anymore

Almost all of us have heard it personally or seen it on television, “I love you, but I’m not in love with you anymore.
| by LaShaun Williams |

Truth is people don’t dip in an out of love. Rather, there are different types of love. Generally when a man says he’s not in love anymore, he really means you’re a great person but you’re not the one for him.

Sex & Love

Dating Gestures that Impress Women

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Some men think that their good looks or charming personality are enough to grab the attention of a woman. In some cases, that may be true, but to keep her attention is a whole different story.
| by Lauren Romano |

Certain dating gestures can help you appear as a gentleman – as someone that legitimately cares about her and her well-being. The gestures may take only seconds or minutes to make

Sex & Love

Are Women Only Into Good Looking Men?

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When it comes to looks, women are typically more forgiving than men.
| by Danielle Devorah Pashko |

Itend to believe that the first thing that attracts a man to a woman is her looks. On the other hand, a woman wants a man who comes off as intelligent, powerful, and strong.

Sex & Love

Top 10 Qualities That Men Look for in Women

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Every man is different and wants different things in his woman.
| by HB|

Moreover, what he wants depends on whether he is looking for a girlfriend, a wife or someone to go out with on a Saturday night. With that in mind, here are the top 10 qualities that most men usually look out for.

Sex & Love

1 in 4 Men Fall in Love in ‘Seconds’

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| by jMatt Cantor \

Forget notches on the bedpost: When it comes to true love, men fall hard fast. Most think they can tell whether it’s “the real thing” after a single date, whereas women

Sex & Love

8 Signs that You Shouldn’t Move in Together

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You’re in love and you want to spend every waking moment with the object of your adoration. You talk about moving in together.
| by Kathy Foust |

Then, you realize that you have a history of not only ignoring the red flags, but you’ve actually visualized yourself running over a guy with airport beacons who is trying to warn you something is not right.