Shy Magazine

Sex & Love

8 Things Men Notice About Women Instantly

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As soon as he’s set eyes on you, a man is ticking off his mental checklist and working out if he should be asking you out.
| by Kati Blake |

And most of the time, us ladies don’t even know this is going on! While different men’s checklists will be slightly different, there does seem to be a few points that all men use.

Sex & Love

8 Reasons to Date a Man Older Than You

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Unless his last name is Hefner and his house is swarming with big busted blondes, an older guy can be a real catch.
| by Jelena Jovanovic |

I just have to give credit to that special kind of men like George Clooney or Brad Pitt, men that look better now than they looked in their twenties.

Sex & Love

7 Relationship Questions Answered

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How many times have you entered into a relationship wondering how to handle certain problems or needing to know what the answer is to questions running around your head?
| by Talynn lynn |

Some things may be a given in a relationship. But we still have questions, don’t we? Here are a few questions, witht he answers, you may have been considering for a while.

Sex & Love

4 Things You Can Learn About a Guy From Meeting His Friends

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Of course you already know a lot about your man.
| by Shallon Lester |

But if you pay attention, you can learn some interesting things about him from meeting his friends. Take a look!

Sex & Love

7 Ways to Make a Relationship Work After a Cheating Episode

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They say you can fix a broken vase but the glue will always show. Now, that may work for glassware but relationships are something else.
| by Jelena Jovanovic |

It’s true that, once an adultery has been committed, you can’t expect the things to go back to normal overnight, but many couples have managed to beat the odds