And most of the time, us ladies don’t even know this is going on! While different men’s checklists will be slightly different, there does seem to be a few points that all men use.
Category: Sex & Love
Here are 7 things you may not know about condoms…
The Good Girl/Bad Girl Split
Pinkee here~ I know guys, you want it all. As that rapper tune says: ‘I want a lady on the streets but a freak on the sheets’. Really?
10 Things Men Love About Women
We asked a handful of men what elicits lust, love and everything in between.
8 Reasons to Date a Man Older Than You
I just have to give credit to that special kind of men like George Clooney or Brad Pitt, men that look better now than they looked in their twenties.
7 Relationship Questions Answered
Some things may be a given in a relationship. But we still have questions, don’t we? Here are a few questions, witht he answers, you may have been considering for a while.
8 Things To Look For In A Guy
It sometimes seems almost silly to hold out for a true gentleman and so often we seem to settle for whatever comes our way.
10 Reasons Shoes Are Better Than Men
We feel incredibly lucky when we finally find the right one and we just can’t wait to tell our friends about it. They have to look great, stability is important too…
But if you pay attention, you can learn some interesting things about him from meeting his friends. Take a look!
It’s true that, once an adultery has been committed, you can’t expect the things to go back to normal overnight, but many couples have managed to beat the odds