Shy Magazine

Sex & Love

10 Signs Your Friend is in an Abusive Relationship

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First of all, since I am a girl, I am going to speak from a girl’s perspective.
| by Melisa |

Believe it or not, there are some guys out there that get abused too. I know, you may think he’s a wuss if he gets abused

Sex & Love

8 Ways to Get Your Parents to Like Your New Boyfriend

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As much as we hate to admit it, we do care what our parents think and we do seek their approval, especially when we get into a new relationship.
| by Just Claire Cross |

Therefore, we all need tips on how to get your parents to like your new boyfriend. After following these, they will love him!

Sex & Love

Do Men Like Giving Oral Sex?

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I’m afraid to let a guy to go down on me because I’ve heard men don’t like performing oral sex. Is it true?
| by Ian Kerner |

This couldn’t be further from the truth. As the author of “She Comes First” (an entire book that’s basically one long ode to the joys of cunnilingus)