Ilove how integrated it is and diverse it is,” she said. Currently, Jessica teaches first grade in Silver Spring (and loves every minute of it!) and frequents the D.C. nightlife scene. SHY saw her and we had to say, “Hello.”
We know you just love it here in the DMV, but what’s one thing you miss about Philly?
The food…the cheese steak and the pies you can get at 4 a.m.
We call pizzas “pies.”
Oh, ok. So, you’re an eagles fan…what do you wear on game days?
My brother and I actually have this joke. I am not allowed to wear jerseys because apparently every time I put a jersey on, we lost or had issues. So, I no longer wear jerseys, but I make sure I have on green and black. It’s so funny because people in D.C. are so mean about our colors. [Laughs.]
What is the best part about being a teacher?
Everything. The children. They are hilarious. I laugh every day. This is my fifth year teaching and it’s different every day. They are my babies.
Any funny stories?
Most of my children are from other countries and we do a lot of vocabulary work. One day we were reading this story and there was a big confusion about the word “snobby.” My kids thought that it meant that you were sexier than everybody else.
That is too cute. Do you have any plans for the summer since you have summers off as a teacher?
It’s funny…everybody thinks it’s so great to be a teacher because you get to take summers off. I tried that one summer and I just got incredibly bored because most of my friends aren’t teachers. Everyone else is working and I’m bored out of my mind. [Laughs.] You can only lay out in the sun and be healthy for so long.
Do you have any hobbies?
I love to cook. I watch a lot of the cooking shows and I buy cooking magazines to try new stuff out. My Mom doesn’t believe in measuring, so she uses sound effects to explain how much. That’s how I learned how to cook, and it ended up being really good because you learn what tastes right with what and you can come up with stuff on your own. Sometimes it doesn’t work out so well, but it’s different.