Shy Magazine


Rashida Jones Can’t Stop Talking About Her Kiss With Zooey Deschanel

Rashida Jones just can’t stop talking about her experience making out with Zooey Deschanel, whose girlfriend she plays in “My Idiot Brother.”
| by Kate Torgovnick | 2011 \

Or is it that people just can’t stop asking her about it? Back in May, she told the Advocate of her first sapphic experience, “‘I was like, ‘Oh, my God, girls are so pretty and soft. No stubble burn! What am I doing with guys?’ [Laughs] I haven’t dipped back since, but I was very appreciative of the experience.” A few days later, she told GQ, “I feel like I’ve come a long way from my first job, when I had to get mouth-to-mouth resuscitation from Rip Torn.” Earlier this week, she told VH1 News, “The boys were so giggly on set…they loved it!”

Last night, she appeared on “Chelsea Lately.” And of course the topic came up. And she gave some new info.

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