Shy Magazine

Sex & Love

Male Box: 10 Subtle Ways To Tell Her She’s Getting Fat

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As every man knows, there are some things you just can’t come right out and say to your girlfriend.
| by Thomas Foley |

For obvious reasons, “You’ve put on weight, and I find you less attractive” is one of them.


10 Signs She’ll Be A Bad Mother

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So, you’ve found a nice girl and you’re thinking about settling down, having 2.5 kids and living happily ever after.
| by Andrew Moore |

Hell, slow down, Smokey. Have you thought about what kind of mother she’s going to be?

Sex & Love

15 Signs It Is Just Sex, Not a Relationship

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I hear so many of my friends talking about how they met a guy and had wonderful sex and then the guy only calls or comes by when he wants sex.
| by Shanelle |

OK honey what you need to know is that what you had with him was a physical attraction that magnified feelings of a deeper nature.